summer is coming closer and so temperatures are rising. so far we have around 40+ during the day and every room/shop/mall/home you enter is cooled down. some to around 18°C - no wonder so many people suffer from a cold here.
Kleine177 - 10. May, 12:02
sand is a big thing here in dubai and for sure it has to be transported from a to b. but why not using proper canvas cover???? the trucks are loosing so much sand when driving around!
Kleine177 - 10. May, 12:00
... of marriage ;-) and we are happy and enjoying life!
after being inhouse allday yesterday - jan was working from home - we decided to go for a walk to the community center of arabian ranches. it was not too hot in the evening around 9 pm and so we went on talking about the day. after 25 minutes very relaxed walking we were there and wondered how far it might be... so this morning, when driving jan to work i checked the Kilometerzähler and it was 2.4 km. i was surprised - but now we know why our legs were tired this morning :-) not that it was a real distance but the heat makes everything a little bit more intense...
Kleine177 - 10. May, 11:55